Sunday, July 7, 2013

Loretta Chase -- The Lion's Daughter

Loretta Chase -- The Lion's Daughter

Rated: ♥ ♥ ♥ . ♥   {3.60}
Action: ♠♠♠.♠ / Emotion: ♣♣♣ / Romance: ♥♥♥.♥ / Sensuous: ♦ / Suspense: ♠♠.♠
Action: 3.5 / Emotion: 3.0 / Romance: 3.5 / Sensuous: 1.0 / Suspense: 2.5  //  Historical Flavor: 5.0 // Laughter: 0 // Teary: 1

  1992-93 RT Reviewers' Choice -- Regency Historical Romance
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Setting:     Italy:   Otranto / Bari
                  Albania:   Durrës / Tepelena / Rrogozhina / Lushnja / Saranda
Era:           1818
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Loretta Chase is a uniquely special author for one simple reason.   Her gifts when it comes to telling a historically accurate story in such a well-written manner (meaning: she must have aced all of her English and History courses) make it impossible not to feel guilty if you don't love the book she wrote.   So, yes, the guilt is there for not thinking The Lion's Daughter is a truly great, must read novel.

Sometimes readers are just not fair to authors when they write book reviews.   Such will be the case in this review of The Lion's Daughter, Chase's first book of The Scoundrel Series.   Although its quite obvious that Chase is truly gifted when it comes to vocabulary and the use of the English language and she does know how to spin a wonderful tale, apparently this story did not inspire a memorable read -- probably because neither the hero nor the heroine brought forth that deep emotional connection between the reader and the characters that makes for an outstanding read.   Proof positive that the protagonists in this book were unremarkable was the fact that notes in the back of the book show that I read this book last year -- and didn't remember doing so.

While flitting around the various web sites that cater to romance readers, it is impossible not to notice that the third book in The Scoundrel Series, Lord of Scoundrels, must be an incredible read simply because it can found at the top of All About Romance's 'Top 100 Romances' List year after year (besides being a RITA recipient).   Because of a personal preference to read all the books in a series back-to-back, in order to get to Lord of Scoundrels it was, therefore, necessary to read The Lion's Daughter first.   It defies explanation -- why pick up a Historical Romance when books from the Romantic Suspense and/or Military Special Ops sub-genre were calling my name.   Nevertheless, I did so and The Lion's Daughter did not fill that craving for an exciting, suspenseful, sensual, action-packed read.

The most noticeable factors about Chase's writing style are: {1} she is truly gifted when it comes to use of the English language, and {2} she understands all the factors that are necessary to drop a reader back into the early 1800s.   Nevertheless, this book didn't work for me.   Rather than paint a picture of what was happening between the characters inhabiting the pages of this book in stark, contrasting detail, Chase seemed to paint a picture in shades, shadows and nuances to let the reader discern what was happening.   Several times Chase would remove the point of view voice entirely from the narrative -- which was a bit distracting.   Look at this example when Chase took a jump between a character's point of view voice to insert the author's voice.

He wanted to kill everybody, and most especially Percival, because if it had not been for that wretched boy, Varian would never have clapped eyes on her.
Lord Edenmont did not, however, kill anybody or even give utterance to a cross word -- except to Petro -- during the remaining interminable four days they spent in Poshnja.   (page 111)

Chase's jumps in the use of naming conventions sometimes brought about confusion.   For instance, Chase has readers enmeshed in a conversation Varian (point of view voice) is having with Esme.   In the middle of the conversation, rather than using Varian (as she had previously been doing), Chase inserted Lord Edenmont.

"Others will look after his family," she said stiffly.   "They at least will not be thrown into dungeons for their poverty.   My father told me that in England a man and his whole family may be imprisoned merely because they are penniless."
That struck too close to home.   Lord Edenmont himself belonged in debtors' prison.   As to his own lands, he needed no torch to devastate them.   (page 78)

After reading this conversation, the question that immediately came to mind was: by "Lord Edenmont," did Chase mean Varian or his father?   (Much later, it became obvious that Chase was talking about Varian.   So why did she use Lord Edenmont?)   Which led to another question: were these Varian's thoughts or was this an insert in the author's voice?

Several other reasons that this book failed to resonate for me were {1} the unique location and {2} the use of political intrigue.   Again, the failure is not with Chase, but with the reader.   First, it is obvious that Chase understood the nature and culture of the Albanians in 1818.   She did an incredible job of portraying what feels like accurate attitudes and actions of the Albanians who were featured in this book.   However, having no previous interest and having read nothing historically related to such culture, it was a bit beyond my simplistic understanding.   Second, possessing a straightforward nature and being quite unskilled with political intrigue and manipulation, it was difficult to understand the actions of characters whose entire lives revolved around lies and manipulations.

The really bad thing about reading a book and not writing a review is that when you re-read the book a year later, you don't remember your initial reactions -- and you can't duplicate them because, although the book was not totally memorable, there were some facts that stuck, so the surprises aren't as heartfelt the second time around.   (And there are definitely some surprises in store!)

Chase did a fantastic job of inspiring interest and intrigue as she introduced the "Red Lion," Jason Brentmor, and his dying sister-in-law, Diana Brentmor, as they talked about the future of Jason's half-Albanian daughter, Esme.   Diana beseeched Jason to take Esme back to England, use the dowry she was leaving Esme (an exotic chess set), and find her a proper husband.   It is quite obvious that Jason and Diana were in love and that there was some unknown background to their unrequited love story.   It was also quite obvious that Diana's son, twelve-year-old Percival, was Jason's son as well -- although no one ever admitted to such.   It was easy to draw this conclusion because Percival was the spitting image of Esme and the baronet, Sir Gerald Brentmor (Diana's husband, Jason's brother), hated Percival.

There were several intersecting threads running through this story.   The first thread was the confusing Brentmor family dynamic.   The second thread was Gerald's arms smuggling business for the benefit of Ismal, the cousin of Ali Pasha, in his endeavor to incite insurrection among the Albanian people to overthrow his cousin.   The third thread was Jason's twenty-year relationship with Ali Pasha, the wily despot who ruled Albania.   Jason was trying to stop the smuggling which was creating additional chaos in the country.

Three important events took place to set up the plotting of the story.   First, the brilliant, scientific-natured Percival had a tendency to spy and he learned that his father was involved in an illegal arms deal with Risto (Ismal's devoted servant) and Risto took the black queen from the chess set that was to be Esme's dowry as security.   Second, after Diana's death, Gerald paid Varian Edward Harcourt St. George, Baron Edenmont of Buckinghamshire, England to escort Percival to Venice.   Third, Jason told his comrade, Bajo, that he must fake his death to keep Ismal from stealing Esme and holding her hostage.   Jason also wanted Bajo to get Esme out of Albania as quickly as possible.

In Bari, Italy, en route to Venice, Percival proved his talent at spinning a credible story to get Varian to make a detour to Albania so Percival could tell Uncle Jason about the ships transporting the arms his father was smuggling for Ismal.   Three groups of people arrive almost simultaneously at the beach of Durrës, {1} Percival and Varian, {2} Bajo, who had just told Esme her father was dead and they must depart immediately, and {3} Ismal's men.   Fighting ensued and Ismal's men took Percival by mistake.

Thus, the fastidious Varian finds himself stranded with Esme, the girl warrior, posing as a boy.   Bajo has gone after Percival and Esme decides that she must (in true Albanian fashion) avenge her father's death by going to Tepelena, marrying Ismal and then killing him.   An unlikely romance blossoms between these two polar opposites as Esme drags Varian through the mud and flea infested villages (Rrogozhina, Lushnja) on the way to Tepelena.

Varian is such an unlikely hero.   He admittedly lives off his charm and has never concerned himself about others.

"You won't believe this, Esme, but normally I'm most agreeable company.   It's one of my few talents.   I can make myself agreeable to just about anyone.
He hesitated and then went on in light tones, "Otherwise, I'd surely have starved to death by now.   You see, all I've got to my name is my name.   That and a skill for pleasing is what feeds, clothes, and houses me."   (Varian, page 71)

So how can Varian be heroic material if he is a worthless individual.   But there was more to Varian than he pretended to be.   Yes, his handsomeness and charisma drew women in droves, but underneath that veneer lay an astute man, who, for the first time in his life, was learning what it was to think about the safety and well-being of someone besides himself.   The perfect fairy tale headline -- "For Love of a Good Woman, So Changes Her Man."

Varian St. George had never heeded nagging internal voices in his life, and was ill-equipped to begin now.   What conscience he owned existed in hopeless decrepitude.   (page 67)

It was a bit difficult to understand why Varian was so drawn to Esme, especially since he originally thought she was only fourteen.   She was constantly portrayed as filthy, unkempt and considered herself scrawny and ugly.   On top of that she was incredibly stubborn, hard-headed and thought she had all the answers.   For the longest, it was difficult to sense even a hint of femininity behind Esme's bold, brash thoughts.   It could be that Varian was so used to woman falling at his feet, that there was that unconscious attraction that hits many -- wanting what you could not have.   Or maybe it was the fact that Esme interrupted Varian's status quo.   She challenged him.   She didn't let him skate by on his looks and charm.

"Of course your survival concerns me," she answered coldly.   "You are a guest in my country.   I am obliged to see to your safety and comfort."
"But except for that, you don't give a damn about me."
"What is the use, when you do not give a damn about yourself?   I do not pursue hopeless causes."   (Varian and Esme, page 76)

As expected, Varian and Esme are attracted to each other and act on the building lustful feelings igniting between them.   The sensuality in the lovemaking scenes was definitely missing.   Instead of detailing the activities taking place, Chase was prosing on about nature.   Yes, Chase was trying to give readers an understanding of the changes that were going on in Varian's psyche, but a bit of spice and sizzle would not have been remiss.

All the world he knew became fragrant with the sea, sweet with her taste.   She was young and fiercely alive as he'd never been.   He tasted the rushing river and the evergreen forest in her kiss, and the turbulence, too, of the mountains where the gods yet lived.   He wanted to possess that vibrant spirit and be renewed . . . and he knew he was wrong.   (Varian, page 203)

One scene that highlighted Varian's discernment was when he and Esme met with Ali Pasha and Ismal after they arrived at Tepelena.   It was also in these short scenes that readers got a picture of why Ali Pasha was still the ruler of Albania.   He was a master at reading people and bending them to his will.   Varian understood this facet of Ali Pasha, while Esme used the occasion to jump to wrong conclusions because she wasn't able to read people with the same skill as the other three men involved in the political intrigue.

Chase spent more time giving readers a detailed picture of the Albanian's culture and personalities instead of spending a lot of time establishing well-developed, detailed secondary characters.   There were two particular characters that inspired great interest, but stayed almost entirely in the background; namely, Jason and Bajo.   Since Jason was a particularly fascinating character (in spite of the fact that very little information was revealed about him), it was impossible not to wonder how such a loyal relationship developed between Jason and Ali Pasha -- they seemed so dissimilar.

One secondary character that really stood out (and just begged for more page time) was Percival.   Loved the way Chase developed this amazingly perceptive and endearing character.   Percival displayed a boy's sense of wonder and yet you could just see this budding young boy's wisdom and sense his growth into manhood.   Chase's accurate portrayal of Percival's perseverance, his sense of duty and his genius made him an outstanding addition to the story.

In spite of spending little time on the pages of the book, Chase did an admirable job of giving layers to Lady Brentmor's blunt-spoken personality.   First off, it was impossible not to have developed an intense dislike for Esme's paternal grandmother simply because of the way she disowned her youngest son, Jason.   It was easy to blame this old lady for the heartache that Jason and Diana suffered.   But, if you look at the parallels in this story, it is obvious that Lady Brentmor is just as wily and manipulative as Ali Pasha.   And, in the end, it was evident that Lady Brentmor loved her sons (in spite of their mistakes) and made some extremely 'tough love' decisions.   Lady Brentmor may not have inspired warm, fuzzy feelings of affection, yet you couldn't help but love the way that Esme stood up to her bulldozing grandmother.

Two other woefully underdeveloped secondary characters inspired great interest.   It would have been nice to read more about Varian's brothers, Damon and Gideon "Gilly".   For instance: what had they been doing for the four years that Varian had been away?   Why did they feel no resentment towards Varian for gambling away the family fortune?   Would loved to have read some more male camaraderie moments between the St. George brothers.

In summary, The Lion's Daughter, the first book of Loretta Chase's The Scoundrel Series was a well-written, intriguing read, but since her style of writing didn't inspire a deep connection to the characters, it is not a must read kind of book.   The aspects of the book that make it a good read include: {1} Varian St. George, Baron Edenmont, a handsome, charismatic scoundrel, who meets the woman who inspires the desire to change his selfish ways; {2} Esme Brentmor, a spunky little heroine who is more warrior than lady; {3} a bit of action and adventure as Varian and Esme traverse Albania to rescue Percival, who was wrongly taken in Esme's place; {4} a blooming romance between two polar opposites; {5} a slight degree of suspense as in how all the loose threads were going to be tied up in the end; {6} the addition of several intriguing supporting characters; and {7} the   phenomenal historical flavor to the story.   The factors that made the book less than excellent were: {1} the slight degree of emotional connection to Varian and Esme; and {2} the lack of sizzle and passion in the love scenes.   Thus, The Lion's Daughter is a good read, but not a great read.
--Vonda M. Reid (Thursday, July 4, 2013 : 9:55 p.m.)     [319]

Books In The Series: "The Scoundrels Series"
# Date Title Hero Heroine
01.10-1992The Lion's DaughterVarian Edward Harcourt St. George, Baron EdenmontEsme Brentmor, half-Albanian 'little warrior'
02.02-1994Captives of the NightComte d'EsmondLeila Beaumont
03.01-1995Lord of ScoundrelsSebastian Ballister, Marquess of DainJessica Trent
3.509-1995The Mad Earl's Bride [1]
04.04-1998The Last HellionVere Mallory, Duke of AinswoodLydia Grenville
[1] This novella can be found in: {1} Three Weddings And A Kiss Anthology; {2} Three Times A Bride Anthology; and {3} e-Book.

Characters Found In "The Lion's Daughter"
Character Description
Varian Edward Harcourt St. George, Baron Edenmont[Hero] of Buckinghamshire, England (54): one of Byron's circle; left England to escape his creditors; cut a swathe through the contessas; parasite; libertine; wastrel; darkly beautiful in that brooding way so fatal to feminine sensibilities (4) gleaming black curls; 28-y-o; women sought him out endlessly (7) an ancient title; a handsome face and figure; a devastating charm (9) gray eyes (15) high forehead; black, high-arched eyebrows; black lashes; long, imperious nose; full sculpted mouth; clean, angular jaw; arrogant face; flat belly; long fingers, not a callous, scar or scar marred their perfection; manicured nails (30) gray smoke eyes; low, hoarse voice (31) tall; well-formed; carried himself with arrogance of sultan; insolent; fair, smooth skin; purely masculine beauty; licentiousness (44) fastidious (55) perfectly proportioned body (56) black hair glistened like jet beads (57) dissolute; gentleman (63) dreadfully spoiled (64) never heeded nagging voices in his life; what conscience he owned existed in decrepitude (67) smooth, long fingers (71) odiously weak character; selfish; thoughtless (89) chiseled aristocratic countenance (92) broad shoulders; narrow waist; muscled long legs (209) gone 4 years (247)
Esme Brentmor[Heroine] half-breed daughter of Jason Brentmor; 18-y-o (1) small; slight (4) thin shoulders (11) thick, healthy hair filled with fire; wavy dark red locks; pretty evergreen eyes; has been shot twice; thin arms and legs; would make a better boy than girl; a better soldier than a wife (12) stubborn (17) tanned hand, hard and strong; "Zigur" (31) same feline cast to vividly green eyes; same small straight nose; assertive chin; cool self-possession (32) mouth wide and overfull; delicate features; beautiful (37) level head on her shoulders; brave; astute; four languages; excellent marksman with knife and gun (42) called "Little Warrior" (43) mother died when she was 10 (47) sun-burnished complexion was smooth and soft; soft, full, ripe mouth (63) straight, delicately shaped nose (67) ferocious nymph; possessed virtually every quality most disapproved of in females; passionate green eyes; high-boned cheeks (79) never been good at waiting (80) heavy hair (84) voice low and musical (113) 18-y-o (157) can read and write (188) rude, ungovernable hoyden (213)
. . . . . .
Agimi[Secondary Character] Albanian traveling with Varian and Esme; spoke smidgen of English (86) wounded (93) young man, 18/19-y-o; blue gaze (95) Shqiptar (son of the eagles); strong; brave (95)
Ali Pasha[Rare Appearances] wily despot who ruled Albania; old; fat; sick; periodically suffered fits of madness that drove him to commit sadistic acts of savagery; courage; military and political acumen; Sultan could not make him his slave; Machiavellian Vizer (15) Lion of Janina; Jason's associate of 20 years (16) crazy sometimes; good general (65) shorter, fatter than Fejzi, once handsome, fair complexion; broad forehead above bushy brows; well-shaped nose; great white beard; twinkling blue eyes; lively; talkative; good-humored (152) nearing 80 (161)
Bajo[Secondary Character] Jason's comrade (16) Jason's most trusted friend; great bear of a fellow (107)
Branko[Brief Appearance] Donika's brother (184) slow manner; quick witted; Jason respected; elder brother; broad shoulders (185)
Diana Brentmor[One Appearance] Esme's aunt; Percival's mother; golden-hair; faded to a wraith; graceful hands, sadly frail; proud; stubborn; beautiful face (2) of noble family; wealthy (11)
Sir Gerald Brentmor[Major Secondary Character] Diana's husband; (4) Jason's brother (5) smuggler (6) social climber; father bought title; tradesman; jumped-up Cit; a snob; baronet (9)
Jason Brentmor[Secondary Character] Esme's father; hasn't seen mother in 24 years; green eyes; dark red hair; "reckless boy who gambled away his inheritance and ran off to live with the barbarous Turks" (3) married Turkish barbarian's daughter (10) "Red Lion" (16) brave; astute (42)
John Brentmor[No Appearance] Jason and Gerald's eldest brother; called Jack; died before Percival was born (19) succumbed to influenza (20)
Liri [Brentmor][No Appearance] Esme's mother; widow; spoils of war; gift from Ali to Jason (114)
Percival Brentmor[Major Secondary Character] Esme's cousin; Diana's 12-y-o son; green eyes; dark red hair; could pass for Esme's twin (3) Gerald hates (5) considered his father an idiot and didn't like; superior intelligence; good taste (8) genius for getting into scrapes (9) same feline cast to vividly green eyes as Esme; same small straight nose; assertive chin (32) overate when agitated (23) bright; amusing; gentle nature (116)
Lady Brentmor[Secondary Character] Jason and Gerald's mother; Esme's grandmother; stood straight as a pike; small woman; thick gray hair with streaks of faded brown, elegantly arranged (238) sharp hazel eyes (347) a woman of the last century; hard living, blunt spoken breed (240)
Bridgeburton[No Appearance] Gerald's partner 20-y-a to cheat brother out of property (270)
Donika[Rare Appearances] Esme's best friend; leaving for Saranda to be married (10) plump; pretty; docile (12)
Drays[Rare Appearance] Lady Brentmor's butler; very small, thin man; very long, sharp nose (237)
Eleni[No Appearance] Mustafa's mother (107)
Mr. Enquith[Brief Appearance] clergyman Esme staying with in Corfu (218)
Fejzi[Rare Appearances] trustworthy; translated Percival's note for Bajo (120) one of Ali's secretaries (134)
Mr. Fern[One Appearance] tended Esme's wound (333)
Mr. Fitherspine[No Appearance] Percival's tutor (51)
Albert Gillis[One Appearance] John and Annie's oldest son (265)
Annie Gillis[One Appearance] John's wife (264)
John Gillis[No Appearance] Mount Eden tenant (264)
Hasan[One Appearance] village of Poshnja elder (92)
Ismal[Major Secondary Character] Mr. Risto's master (6) wants Esme; young; wealthy; Moslem; handsome; beautiful golden hair; eyes like blue jewels; cousin of Ali Pasha (13) stole women and boys he fancied (17) rich; powerful; handsome; pale gold hair; blue eyes (98) influential; devious; terribly clever (109) deep sapphire eyes slanting slightly upward above high cheekbones; clear, apparently guileless eyes; smooth young countenance whose fairness any English lady would envy; long hair, color of cornsilk (154) 22-y-o, looked 18; slim youth with proud elegant bearing; grace of a cat; beautiful; cultivated; noble to the bone; exotic; clearly masculine (155)
Lackliffe[No Appearance] Varian's school acquaintance (248)
Colonel William Leake[No Appearance] antiquarian topographer (313)
Maliq[Brief Appearance] Rrogozhina host (48)
Mati[One Appearance] Poshnja villager; stayed with Agimi, while Esme removed bullet (96)
Mehmet[One Appearance] sent to kidnap Esme; Ismal's man (50) big, ugly form (233)
Molly[One Appearance] maid in service to Lady Brentmor (243)
Mrs. Munden[One Appearance] Lady Brentmor's housekeeper (239)
Mustafa[Brief Appearance] lived in Berat; old man; understood some English; spoke to Percival in Greek (107)
Captain Nolcott[One Appearance] American (319)
Petro[Secondary Character] dragoman; interpreter for Varian (30) fat; lazy; dirty (34)
Qeriba[Brief Appearances] Esme's grandmother; guest at Donika's wedding (187) Donika's groom's cousin; friend of Donika's family (188)
Rinaldo[One Appearance] Varian and Percival's servant (18)
Mr. Risto[Secondary Character] wanted British rifles, ammunition, other weapons (6) Ismal's devoted servant and spy (24) olive countenance (182) hard, dark face (183)
Signora Rizzoli[No Appearance] well-read; sinned with Varian (19)
Damon St. George[Brief appearances] Varian's younger brother; genius for getting into scrapes (9) slim; dark hair; talked excitedly (246) "Dervish" (247) deep blue gaze (248) young; excessively romantic (249)
Gideon St. George[Brief appearances] Varian's younger brother; soberly, logical explanations (9) bulkier in build; light brown hair not so fashionably styled; brown eyes (247) "Gilly" (247) sober; quiet; occasionally priggish; thoughtful; calm; discreet (249)
Sellowby[No Appearance] Varian's school acquaintance (248)
Aunt Sophy[No Appearance] Varian's aunt; a woman of the last century; hard living, blunt spoken breed; could drink most men in the family under the table; oaths could redden the countenance of a marine (240)
Mrs. Stockwell-Hume[No Appearance] Lady Brentmor's closest friend (293)
Viktor[One Appearance] friend of Mustafa's (126)
Mr. Willoughby[One Appearance] Varian's solicitor (255) 40s (257)
Ymer[One Appearance] sent to kidnap Esme; Ismal's man (50)

Locations, Organizations, Terms Found In "The Lion's Daughter"
Location / Organization Description
PrologueOtranto, Italy, mid-September 1818
Chapter OneOtranto, Italy, late September 1818
Bari, ItalyChapter Two
BeratBajo came for Percival; took him to Berat; home of Mustafa (107)
Black Bramble InnInn near Varian's home; met his brothers there (246)
Buckinghamshire, EnglandVarian's hometown (54):
CorfuJason must get to Corfu, alert British, find ship and Ismal's agents (121)
Durrës, Albanialocation where Esme was living when Bajo came for her (10)
Gjirokastra, Albaniawhere Esme's maternal grandmother lived (13)
Lushnjalocation Varian and Esme headed for once left Rrogozhina (62)
Mount EdenVarian's home (246)
NewcastleEsme looking for avenues of escape as left carriage at Newcastle (321)
OlympiasBridgeburton's vessel (319)
PrevesaBritish stopped ship transporting illegal arms before reaching Prevesa (217)
Queen of Midnightship transporting illegal arms; stopped by British before reaching Prevesa (217)
Rrogozhina, Albaniavillage where Varian and Esme stopped (44)
bay of Santi Quarantawaterway where Esme ran to escape Varian (194)
Shkodralocation where Bajo was going to take Esme so Ismal couldn't kidnap her (25) old man who taught Esme healing lived here (184)
Tepelena, Albaniawhere Ali Pasha's palace located (15)
. . .. . .
decrepitudedeterioration (67)
peripatetica person who walks from place to place; traveling, especially on foot (a poor wayfaring stranger) (10)
physiognomythe human face; countenance; visage (53)
rakiAlbanian poisonous grape whiskey; apparently brewed in the infernos of Hades, it was a demonic liquid fire, more potent than even the Italian grappa. (65)

"The Lion's Daughter" Quotations
139But he'd prayed for Mama hadn't he, and for Uncle Jason, and God wouldn't listen.   God had never listened before, not once.   Why should He start now? (Percival)

"Loretta Chase -- The Lion's Daughter" Review and Information Links
Rated Posted Site Notes, Comments, Etc.
----Loretta Chase's WebsiteAuthor
----Loretta Chase's BlogAuthor
----Loretta Chase's FacebookAuthor
----Loretta Chase's TwitterLChase & IBradford / @2nerdyhistgirls
----Loretta Chase's PintrestAuthor
----Two Nerdy History Girls PintrestBestselling authors Loretta Chase and Isabella Bradford
----WikipediaLoretta Chase
. . . . . . . . .. . .
--09-....-2006All About RomanceLoretta Chase Interview
3.76 average{25 reviews}Amazonas of: July 6, 2013
3.63 average{8 reviews}Barnes & Nobleas of: July 7, 2013
----BookishAbout Loretta Chase / Books / Videos
----Fantastic FictionList of Loretta Chase's Books
----Favorite Author NotificationList of Loretta Chase's Books
----Fict FactList of Books In The Scoundrels Series
----Fiction DBList of Loretta Chase's Books
----Fresh FictionList of Loretta Chase's Books
positive07-01-2009Susanna Fraser Blog--Susanna Fraser {lt3} / okay
3.55 average{1,430 ratings}Good Readsas of: July 4, 2013
3.70 average{48 ratings}Library Thingas of: July 6, 2013
53--Mrs. Giggles 
3.0003-14-2009Outlandish Dreaming--Julie {gr7} // great review, excellent detail
3.70 average{43 ratings}Paperback Swapas of: July 6, 2013
--05-01-2013Portable Pieces of Thought--Anachronist // unique take on book
--06-26-2012RT {Romantic Times} Book ReviewsLoretta Chase Author Interview (Video)
Favorite04-15-2010RT {Romantic Times} Book ReviewsRT All-Time Favorites (1982 - 2000)
4.00 average{4 reviews}Shelfarias of: July 6, 2013
--08-20-2012Smart Bitches, Trashy Books--SB Sarah // Read which Loretta Chase book first?
10 of 1004-07-2008The Book Smugglers--Ana {lt7} // detailed story synopsis / gushy praise
Article11-29-2007The Cultural Gutter--Chris Szego // interesting Loretta Chase details
--11-28-2012Two Nerdy History GirlsThe Lion's Daughter and The Albaniana
3.6007-07-2013Wolf Bear Does Booksshorter post on Amazon, Fiction DB, Good Reads, Library Thing, Shelfari

♥   Disclaimer:   I Purchased This Book
♥   Very Subjective Rating
♣   Will add your The Lion's Daughter review link to table, just ask

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